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Shriners Hospitals for Children

The Shriners Hospitals for Children is very near and dear to my heart. When I was 10 years old I experienced some health issues that required expensive medical testing. This was back in the 80’s and money was tight. Health insurance was too expensive for my self-employed family to purchase. My parents held their breath and prayed no one got sick. If we did have a medical bill, that meant working over-time to pay for it. 

When my parents were told I needed testing that totaled thousands of dollars, they were worried but determined to get me the care I needed at the time. To them, my health was the most important thing and they would find a way to pay the bills by working or making payment arrangements. Whatever it took to know I was okay. I love them for it!

Someone told them about the Shriners and that they should reach out to them. What a blessing that was for my family!  I remember my parents feeling badly for accepting help, but it was a hand up not a hand out.  

It’s been over 30 years since we received help, but I have never forgotten how much it meant to them. I never pass by Shriners collecting money. If I don’t have cash on hand I will, at the very least, stop to thank them for their efforts in helping children. I will always feel indebted to them.

It’s very important to me that I give back on behalf of my family, to the organization that was a Godsend to us. I have created a private label, artisan t-shirt and bodysuit collection for children. We will be donating $1.00 from every J. Harrison's brand sale to the Shriners Hospitals for Children.

I have provided a link below so that you can learn more about their hospital and how donations help. Together we can do great things. Thank you for your support!

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